Miet & Winnie

Sexual Magic at Holistic School Vogelsang
We, Winnie, Holistic Healer & Teacher, and Miet Schmitz, Angel Healer & Teacher, have joined forces, bringing together our knowledge and expertise in Sexual Magic—and we are ready!
We met in the summer of 2024 and very quickly we both felt that sharing our knowledge and our more than 25 years of experience was the right thing to do; the right thing for the soul path we are walking
Winnie, coming from a background as a holistic (animal) doctor, immersed herself in holistic living and the healing power of sexuality, because she didn't find all the answers in her studies
Miet, through her life experiences and her three highly sensitive children, searched for the power of self-healing, delving into high sensitivity, encounters with angels, guides, deceased loved ones, and everything related
We both know that healing people in groups and bringing light where it is needed is our calling. It is an honor to share this knowledge in a pure and meaningful way
What did we do?
Winnie deepened her research and had magical experiences with her loving partner, shaman Manuel. Miet explored, together with her loving partner and her gift of clairsentience, the art of connecting with the sacred sexual energy that resides within all of us
What came from this?
An extremely fast pace of healing and learning. Together, we moved mountains: countless conversations about our past, the obstacles we climbed, the burdens we were able to release and process, but also an intense hunger for knowledge—how to reactivate our life force within ourselves after healing
Life force within ourselves?
Winnie reads, researches, and tests; Miet sees and feels. The teamwork of a thinker and a feeler.
There are real kundalini serpents hidden within you. When they awaken in your body, you experience the most beautiful thing! It is an intense happiness within yourself, love on the highest level, love within yourself and with your potential partner. Love is the most powerful force in this world, yet we know so little about it, and sometimes, we are not even aware of it
We have been on our journey—we have cried, laughed, grown, and learned. Now, we wish to share this with you. We invite you on an intense journey through Sexual Magic and how it can transform your life
The cherry on top
Together, we have developed a symbol: our YoLima. It was created for this soul mission we received, charged with Sexual Magic
Sexual Magic that you will feel within yourself after our intense circles
This YoLima will only grow stronger over time. Because we will share it in groups, carry it, and enjoy it. Because it is allowed. It is time. Time to live, to heal, and to be whole again
Together and with each other
With love,
Winnie & Miet